Monday, September 16, 2013

The Zooooo!

Imagine during a spell of temperatures in the mid to high 30's, that for some strange reason it dropped for one day to around the mid twenties.  A tad strange for August, and we were extremely grateful!  What a perfect day to go to the zoo.  Kaci at 3 1/2 loves the zoo, and Cordoba being small,  and usually fairly quiet means she can run around, and also not get too bored.   Alan and I pay regular visits to Cordoba zoo and there are always new babies something's being born, and we have seen the facilities improve during the time we have been visiting.  Which is always good to see.  The weather being cooler meant great opportunies to see the animals out and about, as they also enjoyed a cooler day.  Enjoy the photos!

Flavia the elephant, in the background!

He's behind you!

I just love this photo!

A lolly before home time!

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