Friday, May 22, 2009

Good friends come

Well Kelly and Neil were supposed to be our first paying guests. Luckily they are friends of ours, and when we had a problem with the supplier of our solar system for the new apartment, luckily they were happy to "bunk in" with us.

As Alan said they were the perfect guests. The weather was not particularly kind to them, but they did quite a bit of sight seeing in Cordoba, and Sevilla, and had a chilling day at the lake. They cooked us a gorgeous meal that we now make ourselves every week, thanks for the recipe! They even insisted in taking us out for a meal. It was so lovely to catch up. Neil is an excellent photographer and we have used quite a few of his photographs in our web site, plus on this blog too. I would like to share a few of my favourites with you, I hope you don't mind Neil!

Neils photos from Cordoba Zoo

The night we all went out for a meal toether, as I went to open the gate, I noticed the four alpacas standing in a row, with their ears pricked up. Much to my surprise on the other side of the fence staring straight back at them were a little group of goats. Alan is rather a goat lover, and was trying very hard to encourage me to bring them in, however I know what goats are like, and they would have got absolutely everywhere. For once I put my foot down and assured him they would be ok, and if they were still there the following morning that we would phone our vet to see if any local goat farmers has lost any goats. Alan was rather disapointed that the goats were no where to be seen when we arrived home that night, nor even the following morning.

Kelly and Neil had decided to have a lazy day on the day that they were leaving, and maybe just have a walk in the olive groves nearby. Around mid morning I saw one of our neighbours Ramon looking for something around our land ..... GOATS! I told him, as well as I could, that I had seen them two days previously and the direction they had headed off to. About an hour or so later we heard the clanging of a goat bell. Sure enough the little goat gang was back. For some mental moment I thought maybe we should go and try and help, maybe give Ramon some alfafa to entice them with. We could see him on the hills and he beckoned us over to help. Neil took to his heels and was gone, rather like an SAS man, trying to get in front of the goats, whilst Kelly and I followed on up the rear, whilst a Ramon flirted with us. Showing us his shock of dark hair, under his cap, and saying how much fitter his was than Miquel, whose hair is white! Kelly and I had to jump over the stream, well I landed in it, I am not sure about Kelly.

Around an hour or so later we made it, to Ramon's house in the campo. He had telephoned his son who drove up the last stretch tooting to encourage the goats to keep on the move. He had also picked up Kelly and Neil who had decided to gather up some speed, leaving me panting behind. When we arrived at Ramon's house, he showed us his horses, that always escape too, including a beautiful black stallion that seemed to live in a little shed, sadly, along with lots of chicken, and rabbits, and of course there were a few other goats too.

Ramon was extremely grateful for all of our help, and first he wanted to give me a dog, for helping him. No I was adament! We have four already! Eventually he accepted that, but brought out a beautiful white rabbit, holding onto it with one of it's little legs, and put it into my arms. My first thoughts were 'Oh my goodness, he is going to kill it and give it to me, to cook and eat!' No he just wanted me to have it. Kelly said my face was a picture. Apparantly as I was adamently saying no, my face was saying something else! But I was strong, and did not take the rabbit either!

Ramon and his son insisted on driving us home, about 3 kilometres I think, it was much quicker by car than walking up and down those blooming hills! They tried very hard to encourage us to go and drink beer, and eat with them. Thank goodness Kelly and Neil had to get to the airport, I think they must have been exhausted!

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